The Void War Wiki


Tyvorn copy

A map of Tyvorn's colonies and landscape

After the exploration of Hados, eyes quickly shifted to one of its orbiting counterparts: Tyvorn. The tortured moon of a desolate planet, most of Tyvorn’s lava-covered, volatile surface is uninhabitable. Planetary blackouts occur frequently from smoke produced by the constant volcanic eruptions. Lava lakes form within the moon’s basalt crust from which noxious fumes drift up and accumulate in the atmosphere. The moon would’ve been deserted if it weren’t for the discovery of Dyrexium ore, a dense mineral that can be infused with steel to make the alloy darksteel, the strongest metal in the multiplex.

Shortly after its discovery, many mining conglomerates began exploiting the moon’s untouched wealth. Weapons, armor, vehicles, and even space stations began using darksteel, especially within the Unum Vires. Similar to Hados, the only way the hellish planetoid could be inhabited was through terraformed, fortified colonies. Unfortunately, the corporate entities dominating Tyvorn quickly became power-hungry. Private mercenary armies were pitted against each other by rival companies. Labor conditions grew brutal, and were only tolerated for the massive paychecks workers took home. Eventually, this rivalry escalated to the Miner’s War of 2864, where actual warfare between major mining operations broke out.

While short lived and quickly ended by Unum Vires intervention, Tyvorn would never be the same. Keo forcibly united all the major corporations of Tyvorn into one massive entity known as the Tyvorian Guild, with an executive council known as the Tyvorian Oligarchy at its head. The guild was given power over Tyvorn to rule the moon with its industries evenly distributed between them. Yet, the oligarchs weren’t politicians nor bureaucrats, but businessmen, and their government reflected it. Labor conditions did not improve, and the guild even became affiliated with crime syndicates. Considering the high turnover and high pay, Tyvorn has become a popular location for ex-coms to get some quick work, make as much money as they can tolerate, and then disappear (assuming they don't perish in a work incident).
