In the year 2133, a coalition of former TCF soldiers and personnel fighting alongside Keo decided it was time to form a regulated military. Their current fighting forces were disorganized, ill-equipped, and barely trained. Settling in the recently liberated city of Geldin, the coalition brought ~100 able-bodied recruits from Keo’s ranks and proceeded to train, rank, and equip the small fighting force with remnant TCF armor and weapons. Using tactics they had learned from fighting with Keo, these teams of soldiers began to liberate smaller towns and cities independently, recruiting any survivors they could. They called themselves the Fists of Keo, and in a few short years the name became recognized by survivors all around the world. In time, this fighting force would be officially designated as the Unum Vires, and they would grow to be the single largest military Earth had ever seen. With thousands of U.V. military academies located all throughout the Multiplex, the Unum Vires have become a military machine that churn out hundreds of thousands of new recruits each year.
Weaponry and Equipment[]
To effectively combat slag, the Unum Vires utilizes beamer tech, a form of astral technology that was developed by Keo during the Great Crusade. Standard battle strategy is to utilize channeler-powered "piercer" artillery to disable any large slagic fields being produced by mammoths, then to bomb the remaining slagic organisms heavily from orbit. To combat smaller slagic organisms attacking on the ground, every U.V. platoon is heavily armed with beamer rifles, turrets, and one or two "afflicter" mechs. Of course, there are many different types of weapons and equipment available for specialized units that are not described here.
Current Structure[]
Non-Commissioned Personnel[]
Non-commissioned personnel, colloquially referred to as “troopers”, are the backbone of the UV, making up about 95% of the entire UV’s armed forces. They are non-leadership ranks uninvolved in the tactical or command side of the UV, focused more on actual combat and fulfilling common military duties. “all guns, no paperwork” is a phrase typically associated with non-commissioned personnel.
- The lowest rank. Most troopers receive this rank immediately after finishing basic combat training.
- Perform duties and functions given through orders by their superiors.
- Have the needed knowledge and training to achieve success in their unit’s current mission within the UV.
- Do not have any direct authority over privates, but achieve the rank by being more experienced and disciplined soldiers.
- Have higher expectations and more important tasks put on them by their superiors.
- Command a squadron (4-12 man unit).
- Oversee troopers in their daily tasks, and are expected to set a standard for lower-ranked Soldiers to live up to, as well as make sure troopers don’t slack off and are kept up-to-date with their higher superiors commands.
- Often, a sergeant will have one or more corporals under his or her leadership. They are responsible for developing, maintaining and utilizing the full range of a Soldier’s potential.
Commissioned Personnel[]
- Entry level rank for a majority of non-commissioned personnel.
- Lead platoons (20-40 man unit, consists of around 2-4 squads). Usually have 3-5 sergeants under their command.
- Have the ability to discharge soldiers and give more severe punishments to insubordination, something sergeants cannot do.
- Can also be specialized to lead platoons that perform certain functions, such as artillery platoons or ranger platoons.
Lieutenant colonel/colonel[]
- Lead individual companies (200-250 man units, consist of around 5-15 platoons).
- Usually have 4-5 lieutenants under their command. The difference between Lt. colonel and colonel is usually based on how experienced, disciplined and brave the officer is, as well as how long they have been serving and how many successful missions they have under their belt.
- Lt. colonel is considered lower-ranked than colonel, although they both lead companies.
- Don’t actually lead any specific units, but are more specialized to supervise and manage the training of large groups of cadets, as well act as a buffer between colonel and commander similar to how corporal is a non-leadership rank that acts as the buffer between privates and sergeants.
- Not all colonels are promoted to major, as colonels can be directly promoted to commander.
- Lead battalions (800-1250 man units, consist of around 4-5 companies).
- The highest commissioned personnel rank, and the last rank that serves directly on the battlefield alongside their troops.
If non-commission personnel are “all guns, no paperwork”, overseers are “all paperwork, no guns.” As their name suggests, overseers are entirely supervising figures in charge of the regulation, organization and management of large groups of soldiers without ever having to interact or directly communicate with them. Instead, they speak through the commissioned personnel under them. They make up the true mind behind the UV, and report directly back to the Apostles.
Brigadier Overseer[]
- Oversee regiments (4000-6250 man units, consisting of 5 battalions). Deputies and “errand boys” to superintendent overseers.
Superintendent Overseer[]
- Commonly just referred to as superintendents. Oversee divisions (approximately 50,000 man units, consist of around 8-10 regiments)
Cardinal Overseer:[]
- This is not entirely a military rank, but a religious title and Keo-designated position. Oversees the entire Unum Vires, consisting of 6 million currently mobilized, active troops divided into 12 corps. The title is currently (and has always been) held by the Apostle Purean.
Warships of the Unum Vires[]
- The smallest of the warships. Corvettes are fast and effective for the transport of small amounts of troops and cargo, but are only lightly armored and hold minimal weapons.
- Not built for deep space, and usually stick within or close to a planet's atmosphere.
- Corvettes are low cost and very common within the Unum Vires, as well as come in a wide variety of sub-classes.
- Holds between 2 squadrons (8-12 men per squadron) to a platoon (40-60 man units) and is headed by a lieutenant or captain usually.
- Fairly similar to the corvette, just a bit larger and much more fortified.
- Their strong armor and easy maneuverability make them excellent choices to defend and escort larger and more important warships within a fleet.
- While being common ships, their armor and speed never disappoint. Usually manned by 1-3 platoons (40-60 men per platoon, consists of around 4-5 squads) and is headed by a lieutenant, lieutenant colonel or captain.
- The most standard warship, twice the size of the frigate with 5 times it’s guns, armor and crew.
- Holds 1-3 companies (200-250 men per individual company, consisting of around 4-5 platoons) and is usually headed by a captain, colonel, or major, occasionally a commander.
- Different from many other ships. While almost every other warship class is made to cooperate in a fleet, cruisers are actually specifically designed to operate independently on solo missions. This is because cruisers, in essence, are equipped with all the combined functions of all other classes. The speed of the corvette, the armor of a frigate, the guns of a destroyer, and the storage capability of a carrier (just on a smaller scale). This makes cruisers extremely valuable and a key resource to the Unum Vires.
- Cruisers can hold 2-3 battalions (800-1250 man units, consisting of around 4-5 companies each) and are usually headed by said battalion commander. An example of a cruiser would be the Impervious, which is specifically a newer model DX16 light cruiser. Basically the jack of all traits among warships.
- Store, launch, repair and service aircrafts, spacecrafts, gunships, dropships and even sometimes smaller warships to enable strong airborne/spaceborne operations.
- The standard micro-carrier holds around 50 aircrafts/spacecrafts, while some super-carriers can house up to 150. Because of this, carriers can conduct dozens of missions simultaneously, while also protecting friendly forces, assist in special operations and harbor hundreds of ready-to-be-deployed troops.
- Some Super-carriers can accommodate up to 10,000 personnel, including soldiers, commanders and auxiliary staff.
- While carriers do have rather large arsenals of armaments, they usually do not use them as they are almost always accompanied and protected by fleets of smaller ships due to the carrier's importance and value.
- Only 9 have ever been made. Over twice the size of carriers, often reaching the size of small cities. These things are monsters. Rumored to hold up to an entire division (50,000 men) or more. They take enormous amounts of resources to maintain even just for a short period and are insanely expensive to make, costing literally hundreds of billions, and require thousands of crew members to keep active. Here is the 9 dreadnoughts:
Sponsored by Brickonia. Active on Earth.
Sponsored by Makesh. Active on Earth.
Sponsored by Paladi. Active on Earth.
Sponsored by the UTL. Inactive on Earth.
Sponsored in unity by Heptin. Active on Heptin.
Sponsored by Kynon. Formerly active on Kynon prior to fall. Relocated to Heptin, where it is inactive.
Sponsored by Kynon. Damaged during the fall of Kynon, relocated to earth, where it is decommissioned.
Umbrage: sponsored by Kynon. Formerly inactive on Kynon prior to fall. Was forced to be abandoned and left behind on Kynon after the fall. Remains decommissioned on Kynon.
Purgator: Sponsored jointly by UTL, Dmakov and Brickonia. The first dreadnought made. Active of Hados.
On Kynon in 3037, there was a proposition to make a tenth, Brimstone, although it is not known whether it was ever constructed. If it was, it was abandoned on Kynon with Umbrage.