While an estimated 86% of established governments in the Multiplex identify as "Keonic", there are some significant nations that exist outside of Keo's jurisdiction. Some of them are remnants of older nations that survived the outbreak and reformed, while others are entirely new societies that arose from communities of like-minded individuals with a desire for independence. The relationship between Keonic and non-Keonic nations is not usually hostile, partly because non-Keonic nations would stand no chance against the might of the Unum Vires. However, Keonic nations do not prioritize the safety of non-Keonic nations, and will only intervene if a slag outbreak threatens the continent or planet at large.
Significant Non-Keonic Nations[]
Located on Earth on the South coast of Alareon, a country that borders both Paladi and the UTL (United Territories of Lotaryn), Hanesvain is one of the smaller non-Keonic nations. It was established shortly after the end of the Great Crusade, when the Apostles came to power and the new political system was enacted. Soon Hanesvain became known as a major fishing port and community whose wellbeing, trade and livelihood heavily revolved around the ocean.
Population Size:[]
As far as community/colonies go compared to the rest of the Multiplex, Hanesvain is small in size, having an estimated population of almost 5,000 people.
The main food and resource of Hanesvain is mostly that of seafood and electricity (through the use of hydropower stations), as well as other ocean related goods such as oceanic medicinal plants, sea salt, and water supplies.
The people:[]
The people of Hanesvain are quite literally sea-folk. There isn’t much work outside of fishermen and guards/Rothe’s, the name of Hanesvain’s small police force. Their economy revolves entirely around trading, as they obviously haven’t adopted the Keonic form of currency. However, trading isn’t necessary for the people of Hanesvain, as the use of hydropower stations, which have been built in many areas across Hanesvain, as well the catching of food from the sea, has made the small nation entirely self-sufficient.
Relationship with Alareon:[]
Unlike many non-Keonic nations, who have a somewhat strained relationship with Keonic nations, Hanesvain and the country of Alareon share a mutually respectful relationship. This is mostly due to the small size of Hanesvain. They take up little to no space and resources from Alareon, and the people of Hanesvain are incredibly welcoming. No matter who you are, they take anyone in, whether you choose to live there or are simply staying a short period of time. As long as you pull your own weight, you will always have a place in Hanesvain. However, preaching and the attempted spread of religious beliefs and ideals are heavily scrutinized, and those who do these things are often turned away or shunned.
Religion of Hanesvain:[]
Whilst many non-Keonic nations are formed due to the wish of religious freedom, no religion is practiced in Hanesvain. Instead, there is a culture of respect the ocean, the land, and all life. Religion isn’t banned in Hanesvain, though. Any person is free to practice what they wish, just as long as it isn’t forced upon others.