The Void War Wiki

Population: 900,000 - Radius: 2440 km


Arcane and icy, the prestigious planet Loros is often renowned as “the jewel of the galaxy”.  Though absolutely breathtaking in its beauty, it was with disappointment that scouting teams declared Loros had little practical use for humanity. However, the channelers who visited the planet felt differently. The sweeping fjords, crystalline forests, and alpine wilderness of Loros was not only beautiful by appearance, but pulsed with astral power. Many powerful channelers quickly relocated to the planet, and dozens of monasteries and Keonic temples were constructed.

Now, 94 years later, Loros has become the galactic center of high-level education and the training of channelers for the Unum Ceres. Most notable of Loros’ institutions is the academy of Heiliophea, the first school founded on the cold planet.

Loros planet

Loros has also become a haven of the elite, a symbol of wealth, privilege and luxury. This is partially due to the fact that only one slag outbreak has ever occurred on the serene planet, and it was stopped almost as soon as it began. Because of this, living on Loros has become wildly expensive, and it is the dream of many people living on harsher planets like Hados and Heptin to move there someday.

Political map[]


A Political map of Kynon in 3044

Capital City: Barta[]

Kryton, located on the north coast of Axeny.

Major Events[]

2899: Loros discovered[]

2946: The founding of Heiliophea[]

3001: The attack on Jordana[]

Bonus - A more liberal and creative community, the population of Loros is particularly unique. Nearly 6% of the entire population is comprised of channelers, which is 6 times higher than the interplanetary average. With a heavy emphasis on spirituality and meditation, the culture of Loros is very peaceful and amicable. There has never been a major conflict between countries that led to any kind of warfare.
