The Void War Wiki

Population: 67 million (pre-fall) ~2000 (post-fall) - Radius: 7109 km


With a remarkable resemblance to Earth in general size and climate, Kynon has always been the most hospitable and cherished of the planets colonized by humanity. Its agrarian terrain mostly consisted of prairies, savannas, shrub lands, and temperate forests with warm temperatures and mild oceans. Kynon’s large, flat supercontinents proved rich in natural resources and became the testing grounds of Keo’s civilization-building A.I. systems.

With automated construction, colonies and metropolises of mechanical and technological wonder were built, attracting massive populations that only kept expanding. Outside of these cities lay bountiful farmland for crops and livestock. In fact, the verdant planet had such an abundance of fertile land that it almost became a bigger supplier of food than Earth itself. For over 200 years, Kynon remained an idyllic planet of tranquility and life-bringing technology, with a peaceful balance between its growing cities and rural farmlands.

Kynon surface

The outskirts of a smaller Kynon colony

One of Kynon’s biggest A.I. constructed marvels, however, was Kyto’Phant: a massive space station unmatched in its sheer size and functionality. Thousands could occupy Kyto’Phant, and eventually a culture of sorts evolved on the station. The communities living on the station developed their own marketplace, residential zone and commercial zone, as well as dozens of docking ports for ships and space shuttles. It was, in essence, a castle in the sky.

With Kyto’Phant’s defense systems active and dozens of local U.V. battalions at the ready, it seemed Kynon was set to become nothing less than Earth 2.0. But in the year 3040, a cataclysm of unspeakable magnitude struck the planet. After centuries of silence, a coordinated attack by Immonists led to slag outbreaks in all the major cities of Kynon. This unexpected wave of corruption overwhelmed the local defenses, and in a matter of weeks the planet was deemed a lost cause. The 32 million survivors were forced to migrate to Heptin.

Political map[]


A Political map of Kynon in 3044

Capital City: Barta[]

Barta, located on the western coast of Arrenia.  

Major Events[]

2813: The Great Discovery[]

2861: Kyto'Phant takes orbit[]

3040: The Fall of Kynon[]

Bonus - After the fall of Kynon, most of the A.I. machines on the surface of the planet eventually malfunctioned due to lack of maintenance or interference by slagic fields. The A.I. operating on Kyto’Phant, however, survived. Although the planet became covered by oceans of slagic mass, the station was far enough away to avoid corruption. In the following years, Kyto’Phant became a strange place indeed. The A.I. continued to build and modify the floating city, which became a haven for criminals, black market collectors, and ex-coms.
