With the dawn of Keonism came a new paradigm of understanding the universe. Religious symbols of the past were replaced with “Stream” philosophy. The essence of this worldview was that the entire cosmos --this universe and all universes, seen and unseen-- was part of a flow, an eternal and infinite series of streams of unfolding energy. There was no fighting the current, no end or beginning to things, only consistent change.
It was through this philosophy that Keo’s emergence into the world was explained. His power originated from a different realm, brought to the material world’s stream through mystical tributaries. Human lives submerged into and emerged out of the stream at birth and at death; everything was temporary in appearance but eternal at the core, making reincarnation the default belief. The belief in reincarnation played a major role in military philosophy, as sacrificing your temporary physical body for Keo was described as a great honor and privilege.
Keo's physical appearance is nothing short of godly. Standing well over 5 meters in hight (having grown since his first appearance), his appears to have porcelain white flesh. Some have described it as having a malleable quality, not unlike slagic flesh, while others swear that it is hard as diamond. One undisputed feature is his singular purple eye, located in the center of a slim, crested head. Tales from the Crusade state that he possesses the ability to shoot beams of piercing psychic energy through this eye, but in the present of 3044 Keo has not engaged in combat for hundreds of years.
Personality and Abilities[]
Holy Implements:[]
Keo's primary implements include his own Piercing Eye and a massive blade, The Sun Sword.
Psychic Ability:[]
Corruptive cleansing, Protective Aura, Foresight, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Piercing Beam, more speculated.
Only the Apostles are intimately familiar with Keo's personality. He was once described by Caritan as "a benevolent father of few words." Despite Keo's current mysterious nature, one of the earliest journals preserved from the beginning of the Void War describe him as such:
“He gives rousing speeches before each battle, like I’ve never heard before. His words fill you with a bravery that I didn’t think was possible. He doesn’t sleep, either. At night, tons of us come to him with injuries and questions and stuff. All through the night, he heals the bodies and minds of people waiting for hours to see him. I don’t know where his energy comes from. It must be infinite, though.”