The Void War Wiki

Population: 9 million - Radius: 5421 km


The first semi-habitable planet discovered in the age of wormhole tech, Hados was designated to be little more than a major military outpost. Though it boasts several renowned colonies, there is little to be said about the climate and landscapes of the planet. Ashen wastelands of never-ending fog and bleak, craggily mountains are about all Hados offers once one leaves the comfort of the fortified and terraformed colonies. A stormy and frigid graveyard by night, a desolate grey expanse of by day.

Hados surface

A small planet, Hados’ entire landmass consists of two large continents surrounded by obsidian seas of toxic ooze, barely recognizable physically or chemically as water. Although quite hostile to life, Hados quickly became a keystone resource for its abundance of metals and oil. The population of the planet, confined to heavily industrialized colonies and a few cities scattered across the planet, is fairly militaristic and conservative. After its colonization in 2803, it only took a few decades before the first slag invasion wiped out the colony of Empyrean. This event shook the colonists, and from that day on the people of Hados learned to expect an outbreak at any moment.

Political map[]

Hados Political

A Political map of Hados in 3044

Capital City: Archangel[]

Named after the legendary Archangels, this was the first base and remains within the most fortified colony. It houses not only advanced defenses, but also a population of 2.3 million, as well as the famous Unum Vires Godfried Military Academy and the impressive Keonic church, Arnon Charterhouse.

Major Events[]

2803: The First Founding[]

2822: The Fall of Empyrean[]

3044: The Outbreak at Onyx Garrison[]




