The Void War Wiki


Crystal Octane

Crystalized octane. Possession of a rock that size would put the owner in prison for a very long time.

While drug synthesizers on Heptin produce volumes of illicit narcotics, there are plenty of substances that exist in a gray area. Deoxiofetamine stands out among them. It is commonly referred to as "octane" due to its tendency to put the amygdala's fight or flight response into overdrive. In addition to over-stimulating biological survival mechanisms, it also dulls pain and tends to make the recipient highly energized. This sensory overload leads to a significant dip in frontal lobe activity, which results in extremely poor decision-making ability. In very small doses octane has proven useful in combating severe energy deficits and for treating malnourishment to provide sufficient energy boosts, though the research there is slim and borderline illegal in some Keonic nations.

Octane is classified as a category 4 drug which marks it as one of the most dangerous of Heptin’s narcotics. Since it does have limited medicinal use, the drug isn’t illegal for anyone operating under a medical authorization. The problem comes in with recreational use or even more so, as a combat drug. There have been many cases of Unum Vires soldiers abusing the drug in combat scenarios. While this often supercharges the soldier's combat abilities, there are no shortage of horror stories of soldiers making critical mistakes or miscalculations that lead to their death or (in extreme cases) the death of entire platoons. Despite this danger, some U.V. higher ups have been known to keep a store of octane handy in case the odds shift significantly against them.

Growth and policing:[]

Deoxiofetamine is made from Hysur plants, and is found in the flower of the plant. There are various solvents which can be used for the extraction of the drug. The deoxiofetamine is extracted and crystalized, then crushed into tiny shards and smoked. Unfortunately for the authorities, octane is surprisingly easy to synthesize. As such, Keonic forces heavily police this drug due to its effects. There have been many murders committed as a result of assailants smoking octane, and many bar fights have taken a deadly turn due to wanton use of the psychoactive drug.
